I am experiencing technical difficulties (including damage) with my school-issued device? This includes: laptops, Chromebooks, desktops, tablets, etc.
In emergencies only, contact a field tech:
I want to check out a piece of technology equipment? Example: A student forgot their Chromebook at home. |
Library staff |
I need to request a new piece of hardware of software? This includes pilots, demos, extensions, plug-ins -- essentially anything that has never been loaded onto a district device before. Examples: I would like to try a new piece of software. I would like to purchase speakers. |
See the New Tech tab in this guide. Please contact your Tech Coach for assistance with this process. |
I am looking for help integrating technology into my classroom or curriculum? Examples: What Google Apps can I use to help students with writing? Could someone show me how to use my interactive projector to teach math, ELA, etc…? |
Reach out to your tech coach:
I need help with Clever? Examples: How do I add a resource to Clever? How do I replace a badge for a student? How do I view a report? |
Reach out to your tech coach:
Or, Student Information System Specialist Kim Kelley |
I need help with iReady or NWEA? Examples: I need help with rostering. I am having trouble logging in. I need a password reset.* |
Kim Kelley * Password resets can also be done within the application. |
I need help with iReady or NWEA? Examples: I need to set up a diagnostic. I would like to view reports. I need help with general troubleshooting. |
I need help with iObservation? Examples: I cannot login to iObservation. I am having trouble with the application. I need a password reset. |
Kim Kelley |
I need help with Frontline? Examples: I am unable to log in. I am experiencing problems with Sub Finder. |
Rhonda Bernard |
I need help with GoGuardian? Examples: I am not receiving notifications. I cannot put a student in the Penalty Box. A staff member needs access. |
I need my (or a student needs their) network password reset? I cannot log into my device because I forgot my password. My password expired while I was on vacation. |
Reach out to a field tech:
I need my Google password reset? Example: I am unable to get into my Google Drive because I forgot my password. |
Or reach out to a field tech or tech coach:
I need my student's Google password reset? Example: A student is unable to access their Google Drive because they forgot their password. |
Or reach out to a field tech or tech coach:
I forgot my PowerSchool/PowerTeacher password? I can log into my device, but I cannot log into Powerschool because I forgot the password. |
I am (or a student is) unable to print? The printer doesn't recognize me or my PIN. I am sending print jobs but they are not appearing on the printer. |
In emergencies only, reach out directly to a field tech:
A printer needs to be serviced? Printer malfunctions as well as running out of ink or paper. |
Your front-office-designated BEU contact person:
I forgot my printing pin? |
Printing pin is the last four digits of your staff ID * Make sure you are printing to the correct printer:
I would like a printer RFID tag that I can scan to print An RFID sticker can be affixed to the back of your staff ID so that when you are at a staff printer, you do not need to enter your PIN, you only need to swipe your RFID sticker to log in. |
I can't project? Examples: My project will not turn on. I cannot connect to my projector. The project is flickering or the image has lines through it. |
In emergencies only, reach out directly to a field tech:
I need assistance with hearing assistive technology? Examples: My Phonak system will not work. I've lost my Phonak microphone. I can't connect my mic to the Phonak speaker. |
Hearing Assistance Request Form |
I forgot my phone voicemail password? | |
I want to post an update to a school website? |
I need help with ProTraxx? Example: I am unable to log into Protraxx. |
Contact Student Information System Specialist Kim Kelley. |
I need help with PowerTeacher/Gradebook? Examples: I need someone to show me how to open a class in Gradebook. I am unable to access Gradebook. |
Contact instructional coaches:
Or Student Information System Specialist Sean Bushway |
A parent asks me for help with PowerSchool? Examples: The parent is unable to log into Powerschool. The parent is trying to change information in Powerschool. |
Sean Bushway |
A student has asked me for help with Powerschool Examples: The student needs a password reset. The student is unable to log into Powerschool. |
Guidance Office *Sometimes student access privileges have been revoked or curtailed. |
The SPS Technology Field Guide is a reference guide where you will find both information for getting started for those new to the district, and everyday use information for questions that may arise at any time during the school year.
"This isn't working..."
Contact an IT Field Tech (HelpDesk Ticket)
"How do I use...?"
Contact an Instructional Technology Coach
When in doubt...
Submit a HelpDesk Ticket