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Library Catalog

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Access eBooks & audiobooks through Sora!

Click the Sora icon and choose Scarborough High School from the drop down menu and use your School Google email if asked to login

Scarborough Public Library

scarborough public library button

With a Scarborough Public Library card, you can access Cloud Library eBooks and eAudiobooks

If you need a library card and are a student at a Scarborough school, please email

cloud library button

Current Events for SHS Community

5 Short Current Event Topics: each no more than 250 words

The Juice Learning - An Overview - YouTube

First time you access you'll need to sign up use the  link below.

You MUST provide your school email address during signing up.

The second time you click the link you will see the same sign-up page.

HOWEVER, if you look in the top right on you page you will see your Initial

indicating you have an account, DON"T sign up again.

                                        click HOME in the banner across the top, and you are in.                                                                 


SHS Librarian

Profile Photo
Deirdre Dupree
11 Municipal Drive
Scarborough, ME 04074